Test Taking Tips

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Test Taking Tips from the Web
Read the following links and find some tips to help you do your best on every test. 

Math Test Taking Skills click on the underlined links to read.
2. Read the information from the site below about taking tests. Note: We do not have access to the video they discuss in the first paragraphs but the tips are written below. Pay attention to the 6 mistakes students make on tests.
3. Reading/Language Test Taking Skills.
See the second paragraph about Reading/Language Test Taking Tips. 
4. Tips for Parents to help you with taking tests.
5. Challenge:  Study Guides and Strategies
This guide is a valuable tool that can be used all the way through college level and adult learners. 

Teacher's Notes:
Remember to Take your time and read each test item completely.  Just doing this small step can help you to get more items correct.  In Math, use the scratch paper and show all of your work.  Don't forget to check your answer.

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